This is an extensively researched document that outlines the elements of a strong Climate Action Plan and highlights best practice from councils all over the world. This Checklist was created by Climate Emergency UK with the support of Friends of the Earth, Ashden, the Centre for Alternative Technology and APSE Energy in 2020/2021.

See here all the councils that have declared a climate emergency throughout the UK.
For more up to date information on which authorities have declared a climate emergency please visit CAPE.
CAPE collects UK Council Climate Action Plans in a single database, alongside some data on area emissions estimates within the scope of influence of councils. It allows anyone to quickly and easily find out if their council has a plan, and put those plans into context.
It was started by Climate Emergency UK and mySociety, and is still under active development with input from council climate officers, climate specialists, researchers, and journalists.
With thanks to the support of our funders past and present.

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